
Vegetable Risoni Bake

   This Vegetable Risoni Bake is something that is so quick and easy to whip and provided you have a packet of risoni the rest of the ingredients are generally found in most fridges and pantries. It's very adaptable so you can use any vegetables you like in this. Change up the flavours I have tried this a two different ways a few times in an attempt to see what version is better. I have done this as an all in one meal and also as separate components and combining. I find when cooking all in one it goes a little gluggier then Id like (kiddies weren't fussed) so for [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:52:24+10:00September 16th, 2014|Categories: Baby, Lunch & Dinner|1 Comment

Date Jam

I am always looking for spreads for the kiddies especially Mr 10 month old (can you believe he was only a few weeks old when I started TRTLMT?!). We often have enough savoury ones like honey peanut butter, avocado, hummus, spreadable cream cheese with chives and onion etc but never many sweet ones that aren't full of added sugar. I often use fruit purees as a spread on toast, crumpets or english muffins but thought Id try something new. I got this idea when I was blitzing dried fruit for my Apricot Bites and Mini Fruit Balls. I Googled and saw its been done heaps. This is my version. This [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:52:06+10:00July 1st, 2014|Categories: Baby, Jams and Spreads, Lunchbox|0 Comments

Very Veggie Risotto

This is great pureed for younger babies or left chunkier for older ones. This is a milder flavoured risotto and probably lacks a little seasoning and flavour for the whole family.    

By |2020-05-15T09:52:04+10:00June 23rd, 2014|Categories: Baby|2 Comments

Warming Milk and Bottles

My partner has just been given some easy instructions on how to warm the babys milk in the Thermomix whilst I'm out tonight. I love this! Pop the rice basket in the tmx and fill halfway up with water. Place small milk bottle or milk bag in the basket and heat on speed 2 at 37 degrees (body temperature) until thawed and/or heated through. It took 5 mins to thaw and heat 60mls of ebm. Very easy! Now to try and get the baby to actually take the bottle. That part isn't so easy!

By |2017-06-12T11:22:24+10:00May 27th, 2014|Categories: Baby, Hints|0 Comments

Chicken and Veggie Casserole

 Another baby food to add to the list!    What I like about this one is it's versatile and suits babies over 6 months right up to toddlers. You could serve it as a meal on some rice, mash or pasta for the bigger people in your life but it will require more seasoning. I wouldn't say this is bland as such but I tame down the flavours in the food I make for Mr 7 month old.   This makes 9 meal size pots. I freeze them until needed. Simply thaw and heat in the microwave.      

By |2020-05-15T09:51:47+10:00April 16th, 2014|Categories: Baby|0 Comments

Lentil and Veggie Puree

 Mr 7 month old isn't a fan of food. I have no idea how on earth we are related!?! However, I did manage to get a little pot full of this lentil goodness into him. Truth be told, if he wasn't going to eat it I was! It's yummy! I used to make this for my 5 year old when he was a baby and it was one of his faves. I would thin this out with a little water or stock after blending to turn it into a hearty soup for the rest of the family. Lentils can sometimes be hard for some babies to digest so be sure [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:51:46+10:00April 15th, 2014|Categories: Baby|1 Comment

Cheese Filled Chicken and Sweet Potato Meatballs

My kiddies refuse to eat rocket and sweet potato. No amount of begging will work. Luckily I'm becoming good at putting veg they refuse to eat as is into meals. See my Hidden Veggies Meals and Tips for Children (and Hubbies!) section for more ideas.   These have a sweetness to them and are a nice alternative to regular meatballs. I use breast but it can dry out so thigh will work better for these. I'm not a fan of thigh so breasts are fine for us. Just be sure not to over cook them.   This idea works really well with beef. My cheese filled meatballs with a nice [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:51:41+10:00March 6th, 2014|Categories: Baby, Lunch & Dinner, Lunchbox|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Banana Biscotti Rusks

Something a little different for a rusk. People often mention "I made them too fat!" and worry they cant use them for bub. Here is a solution - When the rusks have a firm crust but still soft, carefully cut them in two and continue baking. The end result is like a biscotti! Oh la la! My rusk recipes: Teething Rings Oatmeal Rusks Banana Biscotti Rusks     

By |2020-05-15T09:51:37+10:00February 18th, 2014|Categories: Baby|5 Comments

Teething Rings

My 5 month old isn't all that coordinated holding rusks but give him a ring shape and he is set. These are perfect for him to hold on to and try to munch on.    My rusk recipes: Teething Rings Oatmeal Rusks Banana Biscotti Rusks       

By |2020-05-15T09:51:36+10:00February 12th, 2014|Categories: Baby|2 Comments

Mango and Peach Porridge

Another baby porridge. My 5 month old is loving these. With this one I've actually split the mix in two to have one batch of porridge and a batch of just the fruit purée for the times you just want fruit.    The fruit and porridge versions can be freezed as it thaws and reheats nicely.   The porridge consistency can be easily thinned with a little cooled boiled water or thickened with more oat cereal. Each baby's preference on consistency can differ. Tweak this to suit your baby.    You can cook the oat cereal and fruit all at once but I find it goes too gluggy.    I [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:51:35+10:00February 10th, 2014|Categories: Baby, Breakfast|0 Comments

Baby’s First Porridge: Apple and Peach

This may not look appealing but my 5 month old loooooooves this.   Use any fruit you like! I posted my Apple and Pear version earlier this week.    This can be freezed as it thaws and reheats nicely. I'd needed add a few drops of cooled boiled water when reheating to thin it slightly.    The consistency can be easily thinned with a little cooled boiled water or thickened with more oat cereal. Each baby's preference on consistency can differ. Tweak this to suit your baby.    You can cook the oat cereal and fruit all at once but I find it goes too gluggy.    I make batches [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:51:35+10:00February 6th, 2014|Categories: Baby, Breakfast|2 Comments

Baby’s First Porridge: Pear and Apple

I'm having lots of fun experimenting with baby foods for my 5 month old. He has only just started so its fairly basic at the moment.    This can be freezed as it thaws and reheats nicely. I'd needed add a few drops of cooled boiled water when reheating to thin it slightly.    The consistency can be easily thinned with a little cooled boiled water or thickened with more oat cereal. Each baby's preference on consistency can differ. Tweak this to suit your baby.    You can cook the oat cereal and fruit all at once but I find it goes too gluggy.    I make batches of oat [...]

By |2020-05-15T09:51:35+10:00February 3rd, 2014|Categories: Baby, Breakfast|0 Comments

Baby Oat Cereal

Oats are a great first food for babies for those who are going down the purée and cereal route like me.   It's as simple as blitzing 150g oats on speed 9 for 20 seconds. Scrape down. Repeat. You want this to be a fine powder consistency. You can do more if desired. Just blitz for a little longer.    Store in an airtight container.   To use, mix with some boiling water. You can flavour it with milk, formula or fruit purée. 

By |2014-05-09T14:29:20+10:00January 14th, 2014|Categories: Baby|0 Comments

Baby Oatmeal Rusks

I would often make my older sons wholemeal rusks when they were younger but I thought Id experiment with oats this time. This take quite awhile to dry out and become hard. I don't suggest baking these on a hot day like I did.    These break a little easier then store bought risks. Rusks made with flour tend to be a lot harder I find. My son had great fun sucking on them once he got the hang of it.    I'll be experimenting with flavoured ones shortly. My rusk recipes: Teething Rings Oatmeal Rusks Banana Biscotti Rusks       

By |2020-05-15T09:51:28+10:00January 14th, 2014|Categories: Baby|5 Comments


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