Popular Recipes

Popular Recipes2020-06-01T12:59:51+10:00

Chocolate Chickpea Biscuits

  I am not sure where I found this recipe for Chocolate Chickpea Biscuits from. I had it jotted down and loved making these... until the baby sucked the recipe to death. I kid you not. So here are my biscuits by memory. I am hoping I have remembered all the ingredients. Thanks to sleep deprivation from said baby I may have left something out but they taste sooooo good so I'm happy regardless. They are a delicious soft biscuit. Almost muffin like. Quite similar in texture to my Pumpkin Choc Chip Biscuits actually. So if you like them you will like these. Hate chickpeas? Don't worry. So does my [...]

By |Categories: Lunchbox, Sweets|12 Comments

20 Minute Beef Stroganoff

   One thing that we will still buy in packet form is Beef Stroganoff. My partner loves it. I have been trying to find a Stroganoff recipe he would like to replace it so I could stop purchasing it but had no luck. I had given up. I can thank my dearest friend Candice for this recipe. I remembered having this years ago and loving it so decided to experiment a bit and do it tmx style. Mine does vary ever so slightly just to add onion, garlic and paprika as we love those flavours here. This recipe is mushroom-less as no one in this house is mushroom fans. You [...]

By |Categories: Lunch & Dinner|12 Comments

Apple Cinnamon Granola

  This is one of my most favourite things to do lately.    There is something very therapeutic about something slowly toasting away and stiring it every so often. Watching the transformation from oats to a delicious granola is exciting! (I need a life dont I!?!) My granola recipes: Apple Cinnamon Granola   Apricot and Coconut Granola Fruit and Nut Granola Honey Nut Granola Maple Cinnamon Granola Strawberry Apple Granola Caramalised Buckini Granola  

By |Categories: Breakfast|11 Comments

Cheese and Broccoli Filled Duets

Who loves the chicken "Duets" you can buy in the freezer section of the supermarket? My best friend loves them and challenged me to see if I can create them. Challenge accepted. My biggest concern was the sauce for the filling and how would I shape the chicken around it. Turned out it was so easy and tastes amazing. The sauce is so full of flavour. Its a yummy broccoli, cheesy, garlicky flavour hit. This recipe makes a little extra sauce then you need for the two serves in the recipe. I served left over with some chicken on pasta and inside pies the next day. Delicious. The sauce is [...]

By |Categories: Lunch & Dinner|11 Comments

Golden Gaytime Baked Cheesecake

     Oh. My. Goodness. I think I have outdone myself on this one.    Golden Gaytime Baked Cheesecake!!! This is a caramel and vanilla baked cheesecake with a chocolate ganache on top of a caramel biscuit base. Oh and a little biscuit crumb on top! Now we are all going to close our eyes, cover our ears and pretend there are no calories in this ok? Those that know me know I LOVE Cheesecake! I love thinking up new ideas and have been toying with this idea for some time. I'm off to my brother in laws house for dinner tonight and in charge of bringing a dessert (as [...]

By |Categories: Sweets|11 Comments

Weetbix Biccies

  These Weetbix Biccies came about after creating my Marshmallow Weetbix Slice that I posted last night. I am always looking for more lunchbox treats and this is one of them. The kiddies adore these biscuits.  It is such an easy recipe it is now a go to recipe each week. Get the children involved with this one. It is almost foolproof. I wont actually say it is foolproof as there is always one person! You can add different flavours if you wish. A little cocoa powder works well or choc chips. I often add a little flaxseed meal and chia seeds if I want to sneak in some extra [...]

By |Categories: Lunchbox, Sweets|11 Comments


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